"I can do all things through Christ who strengths me"~ Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Why does everything have to go from perfect to crap...I had such an amazing day yesterday and now I've had the worst day. Work was by far one of the worst days in a while, my gm said I don't need to eat, you think I don't hear that everyday of my life about my weight issues? I'm so sick of hearing everyone tell me that I'm fat and I need to lose weight, it doesn't help me. From my family, to my boyfriends family and to my job it's just not something I want to hear anymore. I know I'm overweight and not what I used to be, but it's not something that I want to hear every day, I'm reminded every time I look in that mirror and it's so hard for me. But I still just wish that everyone would stop. I just don't know how much more I can take before I have a huge break down, cause I'm already getting close. And now my sister is accusing me of stealing her stupid $40 face wash and it's just getting on my last nerve. Today is just not the best day that I've had and I'm starting to lose my patience about everything. I'm trying so hard to stay cool but if I hear I'm fat and need to lose weight one more time I don't know if I'll be able to stay calm and collected with it anymore. Sorry to let out my aggression on you guys, but it's the best way of dealing with it. Please pray that I find the strength to work hard and lose weight so everyone and their mother can stop saying I'm fat and that I need to lose weight, I know I do, I know I'm overweight, gosh people STOP REMINDING ME.

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